Yes, it's a very small trout. And if you look closely at its mouth you'll see not a fly but the remains of a single red maggot. This takes us back to the dark days when the close season was still enforced (I'm in favour of bringing it back by the way) and money-grubbing riparians would stock their waters with a few tiny trout so that anglers like me - who had no patience and didn't appreciate the importance of having to wait for things, and that anticipation usually makes something more worthwhile - would 'fish for trout' in the close season. And so what if we happened to get a netful of sleepy tench and carp? I'm embarrassed to even think about it.
Anyway, I caught it. Float fished maggot, and my second recorded trout. Notice too the size of that net mesh - if nothing else that tells you how old the photo is.
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